–Children’s Ministry

Children's Ministry

“Then people brought little children to JESUS for HIM to place HIS hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. JESUS said, “Let the little children come to ME, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” When HE had placed HIS hands on them, HE went on from there.”

Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭13‬-‭15

“This is a ministry of Still Waters Community Church. The Children’s Ministry teaches children about the WORD of GOD and who CHRIST is. This Ministries curriculum was developed by Reverend Dr. Carole Hulslander and taught by our Teens/YA/Children. Children are the future of the Kingdom. This ministry is for the children, so that they may learn the WORD and about YESHUA. Our prayer is that they may see and exhibit the qualities of CHRIST and to build CHRIST Culture.”

~Minister Erick Lin

Younger Children’s Class

Ages 3-7

The younger children’s curriculum follows well known and less well known Bible stories in the form of graphics slides. The teacher will read a story that a graphic is referring to and the children can see the graphic image that depicts that is happening. There are asked questions to see their understanding of the stories and what they mean.

Older Children’s Class

Ages 8-12

The Older Children go through and learn about the Themes, Literary Design, and Story of the Bible and how it all leads to YESHUA. This is done through the use of Bible Project, a free service that provides videos and content on the Bible. The children answer questions related to the video and discuss with each other their thoughts and questions on the material.


Example Teaching Schedule

Have Questions?
Please Contact
our Minister.
Thank you!

Pastor Erick Lin

(678) 200-5509
